Greetings from the East,
Thank you to all the brothers who came out to support officer installation. We had around 120 people in attendance. From what I have heard a good time was had by all. We launched into another busy Masonic year with degree work followed by an exciting December meeting. We made 3 new Masons on the first Thursday in December. The team did an excellent job and we even had two new brothers give the lecture. At the December Stated, the DeMolay boys served dinner and sold tickets for their spaghetti dinner fundraiser. And our speaker for the evening was none other than Bothell Mayor Mark Lamb who shared with us his ideas about the future of Bothell and the past it grew from. It was a great opportunity to hear firsthand from the Mayor what is happening with the city. A vibrant Q&A followed his speech. After which we returned to our regular business where this year’s calendar and events were presented and we appointed two and elected three new members to the temple board. Congratulations to the Brothers who stepped up to fill this very important lodge role. We also read two petitions for degrees. I look forward to hearing the committee reports this month and am excited by just how much degree work we have in front of us. Never forget that the journey just begins with the degrees and it is up to you to ensure a Brother gets off to a great start. The calendar is together, but there is still plenty of work that requires your active participation to ensure the success of all of our programs. Contact myself or the Secretary and we will help get you involved with the program you are most interested in. At this month’s stated, we will be formalizing this year’s committees and enjoying a visit from the Grand Master M.W.B. Gayle Kenney who will also be judging the entries for our annual Chili Cook Off. I am looking forward to the fellowship of dinner and Masonic light he shares with us this month. Don’t forget, January means Chili and I encourage every Brother to bring an entry for this year’s competition. This month’s focus on youth is Rainbow Assembly #47. Sideliners mean a lot to our youth so get out there and show them that Ashler cares. Their meeting schedule is on the calendar. The theme for this month’s meeting is preparation.
Richard Beers, Worshipful Master,
Greetings from the West,
As the sun sets in the West for 2009, this is a very important time to take stock of the accomplishments of Ashler Lodge for this past year, to pay wages and congratulate all brothers on a job well done. The participation of the Craft in last year’s community events was among the highest in recent years with outstanding support for Music in the Park during the summer, thoughtful implementation of Bikes for Books at Woodin Elementary School, Winterfest, growing membership in our fraternity, strong visitation to lodges in our district, and growing attendance for our stated meetings and degree work. 2010 will see more opportunities for our brethren to be informed and involved to be thereby inspired to further solidify Ashler Lodge’s role as a pillar in our community and for our children’s future. Call or email me today if you have an opportunity to help us spread Masonic Light throughout the community and let me know how you want to be involved to help you get the most as a brother in Ashler Lodge.
Chris Haynes, Senior Warden,
Greetings from the South,
Congratulations to our three newest EAM: Allyn Llyer, Patrick Duffy and Roger Kaltenbach. They have their coaches assigned and are eager to start their Masonic journey. Be sure to reach out to them to share and contribute as they work towards their FCM degree. I want to remind everyone that January will be our annual Chili Cookoff. Bro. Dale Miller is creating a dynasty with back-to-back victories, so let’s get some tough competitors out there to challenge him. Finally I want to let everyone know that we have a Facebook page set up for the lodge. It is a fun, informal way to talk with brethren, post pictures, and have yet another reminder of upcoming events. If you are interested in joining, just add myself as a friend and I’ll get you added into the group.
Darin Velin, Junior Warden,