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Greetings from the East,
What a great February. Despite being the 2nd month of the year the theme seemed to about the number 3. We started with 9 men contacting the lodge and meeting with several brothers to learn more about Masonry. Three of these men submitted petitions that were read at the February stated. We are expecting 3 more petitions in March. We had 3 of our birthday brothers in attendance and 3 of our current EA’s gave their posting lecture. I do enjoy spontaneous symmetry. Brothers, the interest and excitement around Masonry is growing and is a direct reflection on your active involvement in the fraternity. Together brothers we truly are making good men better.
In addition to all this, we adopted a formal budget, made a donation to the Masonic Park, and enjoyed a message about Masonic honors and protocol and the importance of lodge proficiency from our District Deputy VWB Ray Lavadia. I was very pleased with his complements to the officers of the lodge for the quality of their ritual work and the confidence he expressed in our upcoming line.
We had 11 brothers turn out for street clean-up. Everyone enjoyed a hearty breakfast at Steve’s and then some good fellowship and exercise.
Preparations are continuing for summer programs. We have a great bond with our community and the City of Bothell clearly values our involvement in the parade, National Night Out, Music in the Park, and River Fest. These programs cannot happen without you. This is the time step forward and be a part of something great.
I would also like to personally invite you to join us for the March stated meeting. It is our official fill the lodge night and History Professor William Kangas, from Seattle University, will be joining us to share a short presentation about the Enlightenment and its notions of fraternal sociability and association. The Freemasons were one of the key spaces in which such ideals were put into practice and developed. Also the Job’s Daughters will be having a bake sale during the dinner hour.
And don’t forget that that the Grand Master’s Official Visit to District 2 will be held March 26th at Edmonds Masonic Center starting at 5:30 pm. Tickets are $15, dress is suits, and ladies are always welcome. Let’s make Ashler a presence at this year’s event. See me for tickets.
Finally a reminder that jackets and polo’s with the loge name and square and compass are available for order. Contact me about these items as well.
This month’s focus on youth is Job’s Daughters.
The theme for this month’s meeting is fraternalism. What does that really mean?


Richard Beers, Worshipful Master
Greetings from the West,

I am delighted to pay wages to Brothers Kirk Stensvig, Allyn Llyr, and Roger Kaltenbach for their outstanding Entered Apprentice posting lecture and presentation coordinated and queried by Gary McPherson at our February stated meeting. Once again, we had even more brothers who haven’t been able to be in lodge in a while come and join us that evening which was highlighted by our District Deputy’s official visit with packed sidelines. The ritual, floor work, and overall professionalism of this Lodge continue to exemplify the outstanding commitment of every one of our brothers to do the best work for our honorable Craft. Thank you to each and every one of you for your commitment that makes this Lodge the beacon of Light that it truly is. More importantly, join us for another Fellowship Night on March 20th at 7 PM and bring a brother and a friend for pizza, games and great fellowship. See you there!

Chris Haynes, Senior Warden

Greetings from the South,

March will continue to be a busy month for Ashler Lodge, we have a dozen or so interested parties, 3 of which have already submitted petitions! Brothers are working hard on their EAM and FCM degrees. All of this growth has given us the opportunity to appoint a design committee within Temple Board to investigate ways in which the Lodge can be updated, remodeled, modernized for future generations of Masons. Dale Miller, president of Temple Board and chairman of the design committee, is circulating a survey to gather ideas and feedback from all Ashler brethren. Please contact him or myself if you want an electronic version of the survey. Your input is invaluable as we prepare for the future!

Darin Velin, Junior Warden